"The Amazing Quampter" was an immersive escape room created in the basement of the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts. The aesthetically liminal space invites participants to set out on a journey to undo the damage of a sentient AI that wants to eliminate humans from the storytelling process. Spanning 3 different puzzle rooms, the experience encourages players to work together on puzzles, thematically exploring the role humans have in telling stories during a new age of technology. The nine-member sound team implemented ambient or triggered music and sound effects for each area of the escape room, using Adobe Audition, Logic Pro X, Garage Band, Bluetooth Speakers, and Raspberry Pi Speakers.
Edison Geiler - Audio Team Lead and Audio Engineer
Peter Schmidt - Audio Engineer and Speaker Technician
Rori Johnson - Audio Engineer and Puzzle Coordinator
Brayden Adcock, Alexah Fort, Oriana Gentile, Nick Langford, Emma Noack, Justin Watt - Audio Engineer